The Wincrest Logistics Transportation Process:

  • Call for a quote - pricing varies based on intra and inter state markets for the particular route, time of year, vehicle type in value, and the type of transport required for the move - open or enclosed

  • In order to book with us - authorize transport by providing specific vehicle, pick up and delivery details, and confirmation of price and payment options

  • Release of vehicle, complete condition report of vehicle, and sign all supporting documents, hand off keys and vehicle to transport, take a picture of your vehicle loads on the trailer….

  • Receive vehicle, confirmation of vehicles condition, see that it matches the condition report as when released, if all is acceptable sign condition report/bill of lading, and acknowledge transport is complete and I order.

  • From here you’ll either pay the transporter or you will notify Wincrest and authorize Wincrest to pay the transporter

    • If paying COD or by other electronic means, do so at this time

    • If Wincrest is paying the transport, you must notify Wincrest of your receipt of the vehicle and authorize us to pay the carrier